Thursday, October 25, 2012

Stories for Teena Lurlene on her 60th!

What an incredible adventure it is to live in the Friendly Village.  One of the pillars of the Village is Teena Lurlene!  She is friends to all, and a true sister to many of us.  She always has a smile, a drink in hand, and a word (or two, three, four…..) of wisdom along the way!
I have traveled a lot with Teena Lurlene and can recount several fun adventures: 
·        Walking through the plaza in Rhoades, Greece, seeing Teena strutting through the middle of the courtyard sporting her new shoes!  She was in hog heaven!
·        In WhoseYourDaddy, Turkey, Teena asked for a henna tattoo of the Om on the back of her neck.  Forgetting to let it dry, she scratched it and then had to have the Om magnified by 10!  She was a good sport, and embraced the goodness the new, expanded Om would bring her!
·        Having Teena speak French to a Turkish taxi driver trying to get extra pay for taking the long way back to the Luxury Liner!
·        Sitting on top of Santorini, Greece, at a small café, Teena and I enjoyed an adult beverage while we watched La and NJRB bobble their way up the mountain on donkeys!!!!  We just giggled!  That is a favorite of mine!
·        Traveling to Boone with Teena, stopping at every little junk store and flea market there was!  A wonderful seven hour adventure assisted by ham biscuits made by Teena to get us through the shopping!!!!
·        Walking through big downtown Blowing Rock, shopping away, to have Teena look at me and declare, “Let’s go home!  I’m tired”!  We went home and she fell asleep on the couch instantly!
·        Being in Myrtle Beach with Teena Lurlene, and watching her literally “walk on water” when a shark came by!!!!!  One minute, Mr. Pat said, “I think it is a shark”!  The next minute, he asked, “Where’s Jene?”  Jene, aka Teena Lurlene, was standing on the beach waving back to us fools who were still in the shark infested waters!!!!
·        Teena Lurlene putting a hex on Marvin and Bubba for messing with her recipe!  Butch paid for it with a trip to the ER!
My tales of adventure with Teena Lurlene could go on and on!  I am so incredibly grateful to have such an amazing woman in my life.  I am a better person for knowing her, and she teaches me every day about unconditional love and beauty!

Happy Birthday Dear One!!!!!!
I love you SOOOOOOOO…….
TDM….. AKA Lushious, Naomi, Darlene, Myrns the Purns

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhh my Dear Missy do not give yourself the credit you so deserve for getting me into so many "adventures". Laughing with you is like the tiny wave that begins with a swell and ends in a flood! Oh the stories we could tell. Teena Tales never end...well at least they better not! Thank you for being pick and poke and "remember" xo
