Friday, October 26, 2012


Supper Club used be a migratory group....each Memorial Day weekend and each Labor Day weekend we would make the journey to Chili Beach.  Members left at various times and in various vehicles....with each person hoping to be the first to arrive.  "Oh....I can leave on Friday evening!"  "I can leave Thursday after work!" "I'm going Wednesday morning."...yadda, yadda ,yadda.
I was never able to leave early as I worked for the public schools and was therefore not allowed to be absent before a holiday unless I was certified to be unconscious and near death at a local hospital.  I always had to leave on Friday after work.
And so it was that Bubba and I left Richmond on a Friday evening heading to Chili Beach to meet "the gang."  We stopped near Benson, North Carolina at the Ole South BBQ for dinner.  When we got back in the car......nothing....absolutely no sound...the car would not start.  Usually Bubba can fix most anything but apparently not this.  He was just stumped. This was in the ancient days .... after telegraphs but before cell phones.... so I went to nearest phone booth which happened to be in a Shoney's.  I called the AAA who promised they would send someone and then called the gang to say we would be a bit delayed.  Jene happened to answer the phone and after I explained the dilemma and she said simply, "Okay, bye-bye."   The manager of the Shoney's overheard the conversation and said, "Well sweetheart... let me just tell you, don't you let anyone around here fix your car.  These people are crooks."
After what seemed to be forever we noticed that everything around us was fixing to close. I journeyed back to the Shoney's to use the phone again.  When the manager saw me she said, "This isn't anyplace for you to be stranded.  Let me lock you up here in the restaurant overnight.  You can sleep on the floor or on one of the tables. You will be safe here."  Now I generally live with a certain amount of paranoia and  as Jene has been known to say....I am particular about the things I choose to fret over.  This seemed to be one of those things.  I phoned the cottage to give the group an update ..desperately hoping  that one of "my friends" would come to the rescue.  Again Jene answered the phone, listened politely and  said, "Okay...bye-bye."
Luckily before the waitress could round up tablecloths to use as arrived.... in the form of tow truck driven by an older gentleman with no teeth and his "rode hard and put up wet" girlfriend.  I sat on Butch's lap in the front seat of the truck for the journey to "the shop."
After a journey to the middle of nowhere we arrived...somewhere.  My only recollection is one light pole and a very angry dog.  Being complete idiots, we asked if there was someplace close by where we could rent a car. Well no....there wasn't.  The gentleman with no teeth offered to let us use his car for the evening and suggested a nearby hotel. 
It was a very kind gesture and I can't say I have ever seen another car quite like this.  Apparently in an effort to improve gas mileage and aerodynamics much of the actual car had been removed.  There was no backseat and very little flooring. Also oil seemed to have been sprinkled generously on everything  in an effort to increase viscosity.
We followed the kind gentleman's advice and arrived at the recommended hotel.  The glass on the office door was broken and the "Welcome" sign directed  us to a "Drive Through" window.  This was also broken and the lady behind the glass seemed to have barely survived a tumble down Mount Everest.  We had a short conversation through a small opening which involved details of a recent robbery and the presentation of our credit card. With key in hand we went to look for our room.
Sure that my dear friends were terribly worried I immediately called the cottage....related the long story of our journey....and the fact that we were apparently guests at the Bates Motel.  Again... Jene  listened politely and said in her sweetest voice "Okay....bye-bye." 
Using all the knowledge that I had gained from watching various cartoons as a child I somehow got Bubba to agree to help me pile all the available furniture in the room against the door.  ...just like you see in the movies and with that we went to bed. 
The morning brought sunshine and blue skies.  We made our way back to our car.  It seems the car blew a fuse.  The people at the shop were very kind and finally we were on our way. 
We expected to see our worried friends anxiously awaiting our arrival......but all that awaited us was an unlocked door and a note on the table.  "We are on the beach! Okay? Bye-bye!"

Well dear you can look back at 59 years and just say "Okay bye-bye!"  The new decade will hold many new adventures....and I will always come when you call.....unless of course I am having margarita's or sitting on the beach.  

Love you girl!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh...oh....oh...I knew one day this story would appear...and I would hide me weasel head in shame...all I can say was that we started Margaritas early...very early...and well...i gave up drinkin and drivin' when I was in my 20's. It hurts to this day...but I somehow survive. I've said " many things...but you're stuck with me for life! Good one...Mean Lurlene
