Tuesday, May 10, 2016

What you ask for...

I’ve been looking at that cabinet for goin’ on three months.  It’s a mess; mostly filled with beads and jewelry making tools and whatever scrap of nothin’ I thought I might be able to transform  into sumpin’.  It’s just what I do.  I see possibility in near about everything, from that withered potato that might grow if I plant it, to my collection of blue jean pockets, cause you always can use an extra pocket, doesn’t matter that it’s not attached to anything.    

“Hold on to it Sissy, you might can use it later.”  Never fails, those are the words I grew up with and I’ll hear’um till I leave this place.  But I digress; the story in all this is that I’ve just never had it in me to organize that cabinet.  I look at it and want to, but I don’t.  Jumble today, jumble tomorrow.

So that’s why I thought it strange that I started on it out of the blue today.  

I firmly believe our dear ones are someplace about us.  Maybe not form enough to see, but they are certainly capable of makin’ a breeze or stirin’ a memory.  I try not to call on them much.  I know they have to be busy on the other side, doin’ whatever it is they are called home to do.  

That bein’ said, when I woke up this morning I rolled over and said a howdy to Mr. C’s picture, I have one on both sides of the bed cause some nights I’m restless and just want to make sure I see him when I wake up. 

 This  morning I said, “Babe, I miss you…and it’s rainin’ again…and I just need to hear from you today.”
Well, I laid there real quiet in some kind of anticipation, like he was gonna say,   “What’s for breakfast?” but I didn’t catch a thing and decided it was time to get up and get this show on the road. 

A little after noon my brain started workin’ on a little project…which lead me upstairs to the dreaded cabinet.  I knew I had a scrap of leather in there…somewhere. 
Well, I found what I was lookin’ for…and a little something else.  Answer to a prayer. 
Love you forever. 

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