Maybe I jus got quiet for a spell while I tried to figure out what direction to go in. All I know is that I missed this spot. I come here and usually have no plan...or else I have one and it changes as I type. I told VerDell that there were days that I sat down to write one thing and it was another that bubbled up. I liked that. I miss surprises, seems like I have to make so many "plans" to make sure my responsibilities are taken care of that I've all but planned myself right out of the picture. I feel like I'm stuck on cruise control, keepin things all steady and consistent and as any Two-Bit-Teena who has ever gone anywhere with me knows; I hate cruise control.
But I digress; It's time to get back to the stories and what better way than to go to the source of all sweet inspiration, the Supper Club Cookbook. I know...I doesn't have an's filled with pinches and "smidgens" but I bet you can't pick it up without rememberin' the significance of "Three Call Pound Cake" and "Not Angel Hair" noodles. For those of you who (still) have it, I bet there isn't one page that doesn't take you back (about twenty pounds). So join me on the "Ship of Fools" and do feel free to add you own flavor in the form of comments or down right denial...spice it up, cause the "Eatin Season" is upon us and it time to invite recollection back to the table.
Next entry: Heavy Hors
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