As told by VeraLee in an E-mail
AKA: Forced Family Fun
And on the first day of the year it was decreed that inhabitants of the Friendly Village would demonstrate his or her commitment to the community by planning one event. (It's kinda like pay'n dues) The word came down from Lurlene that said event can be anything as long as all members of the Village are invited. Parties, dinners, movies, bowling, adventures, restaurants, galas, vacations, Glee Clubs, big game hunting, coffees, mud wrestling, video conferencing, shopping experiences, skydiving....it appears the sky is the limit....although there was some mention of a space shuttle launch.
As Lurlene passed the "Bird with the Big Mouth" (Thought to be a fish by LaNeese) All those present drew a slip of paper with their "Month". One exchange was granted...incase you got your birthday month which is a drag. Those not present were left to the fates of Lady Luck. (So in the future, don't miss New Year's Dinner at Bucky and Lurlene's)
Here is the luck of the draw incase you forget.
February: The Month of the Ground Hog: Bubba
March: The Month of the Irish finds Barry Patrick Kennedy Corey in the hot seat
April: The month of wedded Bliss is in the hands of Lurlene and Bucky
May: Missy Link charms you in May
June: Sunshine Month arranged by La
July: Star Spangled Month by Dennis
August: Summmmmmmer Tiiiimmmmmmme and Livin Easy Month: Jude
September: See you in September by Paul
October: Leaves of Gold is being presented by VeraLee
November: Thankful to be Last....by Bucky
December is considered a free-for-all. Hopefully there will be events planned by someone for each of the Sundays of Advent....especially Shrimp Sunday.
Please note that Villagers are NOT limited to only one event or only one month.
So let it be written. So let it be done.
Word recorded by VeraLee and posted by Lurlene
This is a painting of VeraLee.