Greetings Dear Ones
i am often asked if i take on clients, do readings for folks, or will conjure for people.
The answer is that i do readings – i read swirls and twig patterns, candy wrappers and random acts of kindness, (scanning them for manipulation). i also read random thoughts and brush off “curse words” that might have befallen you for any reason, known or unknown. (See Entry: 9-10-09) If things are just not goin right, well, ask me why and i’ll tell you what the “Light” ones want you to know about that, the rest is up to you.
All of my readings, whether by phone, blog, or in-person, are conducted within the sanctuary of the House of Lurlene Chamber of Green or in my Healin Hut located in beautiful Buckinham County on the James. I have been known to offer a spontaneous readin if the “Captain” puts “knowin’ in my heart.”
Because I tithe: 10% of all fees go back to do, “The Work” as Two-Bit-Teena’s always give back. Do not be surprised if there is a bit of a wait. The Lord is teachin’ me patience and (s)he may be doin’ this through you. Jus send me your question and I will put it up.
Disclaimer: Teena Lurlene is not responsible for your bad Karma or your repetitious mistakes. If she told you once, that’s it. You are the only one who can make the changes, she is a vessel not a magician, so if you make the same mistake twice, “Shame is on you.” Oh, and if you hear the “Still small voice….trust it, because Lurlene is usually loud.
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