I used to read animal cards and signs in the bare bones of winter trees, but lately, I’ve jus taken to readin martini swirls. Got to get back to nature I think.
But anyway, its weasel season…and Vera Lee who took to callin me the white-haired weasel did me a fine turn. Let me tell you about weasels. Well, one little known fact is that Weasels have glands that produce a strong smell and some people claim that their musk is stronger than the skunk's. Giv'n tonight and my attack of Southern wind, I would say that is indeed a truism. I remember my silver lame shoes…they were a joy to have on my feet, but Lord did they stink. And you know, the funny thing was, I could put my feet right up on the table and not even know it until people started pullin back. Sonny was the best at it...God Ormond, put your pointy-toed silver shoes back on your stinky dawgs! (I miss that man)
But anyone who knows me will tell you, I have always said, “You cann’t smell what you live with” and that’s a true Weasel inner fact. Most of us are blind to our own short’cummins but quick to see’um in others. It’s a shame, I got to take more time to, (quote the poet, Michael Jackson) "look at the weasel in the mirror!" But be that as it may, there is some good Weasel medicine and I am not gonna deny that while I may not be a flawless weasel, I’m a good scout…cause I can smell a rat. The silent and graceful weasel (I can be graceful…and silent…especially when I am sneekin) imparts the ability go unseen and unheard into places to be able to observe what is happening, then discern what’s important. You see, lots of folks jus bombard you with Blah…Blah…Blah…and wear you down before they say one thing of relevance, but bein a weasel, I can always pick up on what is not said. Like I told a friend of mine one time…look for what’s missin from that story and you’ll come closer to the truth.
But bare with me for jus a few more Weasel facts, cause Weasel symbolizes quick movement, justice achieved, retribution, stealth, warrior energy, fierceness, curiosity, discernment, tenacity and cunning. She gives people the ability to use one’s intuition to see the intent behind words and acts and not to underestimate others. I’m not sayin Weasel doesn’t trust, she does…she just roots around a little more.
Don’t ask me what got me started on this, I think I just wanted to post my favorite weasel picture. So bein a drama queen, I wrote all of this to say, hey, Winter is here, time to go inward...its Weasel Time. May the seeds you sew this season bring blessings in the next.
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