If there is one thing a Teena knows about it's the power and love of donkey. Now, donkey goes way back and has a rich history, just check out the internet and you will learn a thing or two about donkey. But what you won't learn is that to be Donkey to a Teena is a powerful gesture of love and support. Jus ask VeraLee who has been Donkey to me for Lord knows how long. Bottom line is, Donkey is a friend who carries you...she carries your troubles like her own, she shares the load and then some. Donkey is also stubborn and sometimes will not take "No" for an answer...oh...whe will nag, but long with that nagg'n comes love and loyalty and she will often support you against her better judgement. That's the spirit of Donkey. But I gotta add, you can also dump on her, like when you don't want to carry your camera or wallet...and she has a big ole pockabook.
But anyway, this all started because I found this recipe for Donkey Chow that I wanted to share, and if you have a donkey I know they would just love it.
Donkey Chow
1 bushel carrots, chopped
1 bushel apples, chopped
6 pounds mixed nuts
1 bushel basket of organic granola
3 pounds raisins
1 pound lemongrass
1 pound sugar cubes (donkeys have a sweet tooth)
Mix all together and serve in several sturdy but festive wheel-barrows. (That's my favorite part...festive wheel-barrows...can't you jus see'um)
But be that as it may...if your donkey is a drinkin donkey, like most Teena Donkeys are, then just pop a cork and poor into a tall thin glass, or...what VeraLee and I learned, was you can use a pilsner, its kinda like a super-sized champagne flute anyway if you think about it...and that will split a bottle right in two and you don't have to get up off the sofa except if you want more taquitoes.
Honest, in this season of great potential for love and caring, remember to be more like donkey...and less like Ass!
More donkey lore to come.
Donkey actually began in Greece, when the then Veralee rode a donkey up a winding, STEEP trail to get the the top of Santorini! She has such a flair for adventure! Meanwhile, Lushious and Teena Lurlene (aka Slurlene) watched Vera from atop the cliff and toasted her bobbing head as they each drank a bottle of Greek beer! To continue her adventure, Donkey, aka Veralee, walked down this steep cliff on a slick, cobbler stone trail peppered with donkey poop! Lushious left her behind, not knowing Donkey had a terrible fear of heights! She concurred the fear and she conquered Lushious as well. Learned my lesson.....NEVER leave a Teena behind, or you become the Behind!!!!