Another birthday in the Friendly Village...and I have been so self absorbed that I haven't even taken the time post. Yesterday we drove out to Linden Wood Farm to celebrate Mr. Jude's passing a speed limit birthday. He smoked a pork butt that would make you "wanna smack yo Momma" ( I do not know where that sayin came from, but I say it all the time) and threw in some ribs for good measure. LaNeese,not to be mistaken with LaNephew, cooked a squash casserole and Bubba boiled shurmps; there were taters roasted in a cast iron pot the size of a bushel basket and then bein Nurse was here visitin MiMi, she spiked the green beans with "the ingredient",long side were pickled beets and a fresh baked Sally Lunn that doubled as a center piece. Oh, and coleslaw,not the crunchy bright green kind from Hymie and Stime's BBQ, but the kind that turns kinda yeller cause of the carrots and has some sugah in it. Now here is where it is fittin to say "It's all good" and if I hadn't been pinned to my seat due to the number of folks around the table, I would have had two helpins and Popped...right there against the wall, I wouldn't have even made it to the floor.
Before slicing Apple Pound Cake, (sans the Apple Jack brandy wash, cause nurse don't take to no "bean dush" even on cake) we pushed back from the table and went into the livin room to open presents. You know you are in the South when you get peanuts salted in the shell and a Smithfield ham for your birthday! He also got a gift certificate from Trash and Class, he favorite "junkin joint" next to "Junkin for Jesus" on the Southside. He got some oil paint'ns too that VeraLee and MiMi had seen him touch while in the General store. It was a good night....Mr. Jude is not a man who wants folks to make a fuss over him...but he just generates the kind of spirit that you want to fuss over. Its a kindness that lives deep in his heart. He's like a beautiful well of still water that I could drink from any day of the week. I love me some Mr. Jude! We all do!
P.S. Speakin of still water, LaNeese wants to get the sunken "love tub" out of her trailor and we thought about turnin it into a hot tub up in Buckinham...but that's for another story.
Happy Birthday Mr. Jude we love you!
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