I have a dear friend who is going through a rough time right now. It makes me stop and wonder...why? What is the karmic justice in all of this? I don't think there is any. Sometimes you just get what you get. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do good things happen to bad people? There is no reason...no justice...no underlying cause. It is what it is.
In a world where people have free will...they choose what they do, when they do it, who they help, and who they hurt. Some people choose to make the same mistakes over and over, to brood over small injustices, hide the truth, or keep score. They stir the shit....and as Lurlene would say, the more they stir it the more it stinks.
Thankfully, there are more people who use their free will in more compassionate ways. They are the ones who take what they get and dress it up in the best possible cloak and move on. They look for the best in others and are convinced that it is all good. They find happiness in the budding of a flower, the songs of nature, a bubbling soup, or the touch of a friend. These are the people we love dearly....and who cherish the good in everyone they meet.
Of course then...there is me.....who would just like to take the shit stirrers and drop kick them to Neptune.
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