"Are not spices"
Mr. Claude and I headed to the "Farmacy" this weekend where we learned that this was the beginning on "Huntin' Season", and from Keith, who comes to fix the tractor each and every time we call (which is usually spring and about now) I learned that it was "chain saw" sharpn' season, and wood cutt'n season, and hay bail'n season, and time to sharpen the tines on the tiller, because you can plant one more patch of greens season.
I also learned it was midget football season, cause Keith couldn't come right away, he had to take his boy over to play a game "next county over". We're always glad to see Keith, in the country, you have to be prepared to sit a spell and catch up on what happened since the last time you called. He's right on time, but an hour later we're still talking about the season's and the reasons things happen the way they do.
My neighbor saw Keith's truck and knew right away that I'd soon be mopin' about the yard with not much to do, and before I knew it, he was ridin across the field; my knight on a "loaner". (Note, folks in the country don't often loan you their tractors) Mowin' just clears my head and drowns out the worry I'm startin to wear. I forget it all when I mow...Bobby knows that, he feels the same way, so I was grateful for his offer.
It's not "leaf" season yet...but it's startin. Mr. Claude and I fired up the grill, put on our sweaters and ate dinner on the porch. The moon rose round and full as a spotlight. (and you know Teena's love a spotlight) We opened a second bottle of wine and moved inside to light the fire I laid back in March, gettin ready for October and sofa sitt'n season.
Later on, with the mowin' done, I was faced with pull'n the weeds out of the "Man-scapin." God I hate that mound of red dirt. But I gave it my best for two years before I just said, I cann't do it! I walked away from it when the deer ate everyone of the day lillies. Gave it up for brush, when my Maples passed. Last year I had 21 watermellons from the vines I planted, this year, I couldn't bring myself to plant not even a cucumber.
But today the sun is bright and there's a west wind...a changin wind and I softened up a bit and headed out with my tools and thoughts of makin a clearn for what might be next year. That's when I found them, two little water melons. Must have been volunteers from last years crop. Still full of life...ready to grow. All I would have had to do was to pull the weeds back...but I didn't do it...and they never had a chance...choked out by the grass and pokeberry bushes. It made me think about how garden'in is a spiritual practice, you have to keep it up...or the weeds get in...and even the best seeds...can be lost. Everything needs "tendin." So I brushed those babies off, apologized to Miss Universe for neglecting her bounty and made a commitment to do better next year.
Watermellon days are gone for this year; like the hummers and the blackberrys. But that's okay...cause its time to come inside....time to weed out that what's chok'n my spirit and make way for the next season.