Bein from the South, it is a well known fact that while summer vegetables have their own unique flavor, even the freshest needs a little help from...the "ingredient". Now the "ingredient" can take many forms, but no matter how you slice ain't good for you. But it's nectur to an ole southern girl who likes to fry. Why for years I thougth that a vegetable just wasn't cooked unless it had a "sheen". But be that as it may...
Several years ago...I decided...due to health and girth reasons that I would give up my precious "ingredient" and opt for the glow of olive and other "healthy" oils. Hummmm....I learned that shine just don't taste like "sheen". I tried "Turkey Nector"...but gettin nector from a like well...gittin dinner out of the Bee.
But on this day at Shimpan's Farmacy...I just threw that ole turkey strip o'sheen in the pan and look what my fresh baby squash had to say!
Summer ain't summer without Bacon!
But Tomorrow...bacom season comes to an end...and red wine comes out of the "utility room". Welcome September!
Special thanks to Bobby and Dianne Oley for keepin me and the Mr. "Eatin-in-tha Season".